Throughout our history, United Way has done extraordinary work to improve people’s lives and build strong communities. With our focus on community impact, United Way has a key role to play in advocating for good public policy. Without community input, our priorities in health, education, and financial stability will lose critical government policy and funding support.
Join us and advocate for a health, education, financial stability or nonprofit strengthening issue that you are passionate about. Our community needs you to have an impact on public policy decisions. Advocating in our community does not simply mean lobbying on a specific piece of legislation.
There are many ways that you can advocate. See below for ways you can create social change in your local community.
Speak Out
Contact your representative in Congress about a health, education, financial stability, or nonprofit strengthening issue. Find our current representatives here.
Be Informed
Learn how our community ranks in academic attainment, income stability and health. Use the United Way Common Good Forecaster, a powerful online tool that lets people see for themselves how improving the education level has a positive impact on several key economic and social measures.
Engage with Our Community
Keep up to date with our community conversation progress. Learn about what people say are their aspirations for our community and talk about how you can work together to address challenges.
Raise Awareness About a Cause
Use social media tools to educate your friends and networks about an issue you care about.
Stay in Touch!
Click Sign Up Now at the top of any page to receive our monthly newsletter.