The power of caring and connection has never been greater. The collective effort of donors and volunteers in Story County has helped our community come together in times of need and times of triumph. United Way of Story County and our partners are working hard to ensure we are living up to our vision of improving the conditions for all.
We’ve been able to celebrate so many successes, but there is still more work to do.
We invite you to join us in this work, so that we continue to provide relief through programs and resources that help people recover from whatever crisis they face. But just as important, supporters of United Way help make long-term solutions possible. The kind of solutions that help us rebuild a community that creates more opportunities and fewer divisions. The kind of solutions that help us reimagine our community and change the systems that hold so many back.
You can influence this kind of good. Your support will help families to put food on the table, afford their rent, develop strong working skills, and so much more. With your investment we can help our most vulnerable by ensuring more people have access to these basic needs. But we can’t do it without you.
When you join in the work of United Way, your investment goes further. By funding a vast range of programs, we touch lives throughout every basic building block of life. Mental health, nutrition, education, safe housing, financial stability, all of these are possibly with your commitment to United Way’s work. With one gift you help a child prepare for kindergarten, provide training to a young person that leads to employment, help seniors access affordable health care, and ultimately, you help individuals achieve their human potential.
Photo from before pandemic.
Last year, we raised over 2 million dollars for local, life-changing programming for the seventh year in a row. Let’s make it eight. No one person, organization, company, or system can do this alone. Will you come together again to show our most vulnerable neighbors what is possible when we all Live United? Together, we can reimagine what’s next for Story County and create a resilient community where everyone can thrive.