Learning loss occurs during the months when students are not in attendance in school. This is most significant in June through August, but the negative affects of learning loss can be experienced throughout the school year. United Way of Story County brings together multiple organizations to collaboratively serve students with community and school-based programs. These programs fit together to create a portfolio of supports addressing the unique and diverse needs of our youth, ensuring the opportunity to achieve academic goals.
Research from the Annie E Casey Foundation and the national Campaign for Grade Level Reading has shown that students who are not engaged in either academics or enrichment activities lose ground with their education over the summer months. Additionally, students from families lose, on average, two months or more in reading proficiency. Some students, especially those from families with lower resources, are already behind academically due to challenges and barriers they experience during the school year. The lack of learning opportunities in the summer can make that gap even wider. What is most alarming is that by the end of 5th grade, these children who would benefit from additional support are nearly three grade equivalents behind more well-resourced peers in reading proficiency.
Knowing this, United Way of Story County is proud to fund and support partners and collaboration that are providing food and academic enrichment opportunities for children during the summer. Our summer learning partners include:
- All Aboard for Kids
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Story County
- Campfire Heart of Iowa: Camp Canwita
- ChildServe
- The Community Academy
- Iowa Reading Corps
- Raising Readers in Story County
- University Community Childcare (UCC)
Other partners involved in the summer learning groups include:
- Ames Community School District
- Ames Public Library
- Ballard Community School District
- Collins-Maxwell Community School District
- ISU Extension and Outreach
- Nevada Community School District
- Nevada Public Library
The National Summer Learning Association determined that on average teachers spend approximately two weeks reteaching material and concepts from the year prior to get students caught up before starting the new year’s material. Even during the school year, there is often not enough time to do it all. Our partners are there to support students and provide supplemental learning opportunities for students from all seven school districts in Story County. We are grateful for the work of our partners:
- Boy Scouts of America, Mid-Iowa Council
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Story County
- ChildServe
- The Community Academy
- Girl Scouts
- Raising Readers in Story County
- Storytime Childcare
- University Community Childcare (UCC)
Interested in Volunteering?
Many programs rely heavily on volunteers to provide the meals and the learning experiences. Visit www.uwstory.org/volunteer to get involved.