From April 22 through May 2, Story County residents came together in a countywide effort through United Way of Story County (UWSC) to stock local food pantries as the summer months quickly approach. Food insecurity levels are on the rise in Story County. More than 1 in 4 children in Story County are eligible to receive free/reduced price lunch at school with 5 local schools having more than 40% of their students qualify. The LIVE UNITED Food Drive helps to stock up pantries that families can access once school meals conclude, providing an immediate help to those in need.

Nearly 90 sites across Story County collected nonperishable and hygiene items, with a grand total of 20,073 pounds donated. The donations were distributed to 21 food pantries and emergency food programs including community, university, and school-based pantries throughout the county. On top of physical donations, the 2024 drive collected $10,031.25 which will also support the pantries and programs directly. 

With a focus on the most needed items requested by local pantries, United Way encouraged those donating to give items such as diapers and wipes, canned beans or meat, peanut butter, cereals, and canned fruit, items pantries are running out of quickly. Stocking these items on pantry shelves helps individuals and families in need while prices rise at grocery stores.

United Way staff extends thanks to all of the businesses, organizations, educational institutions, and individuals who participated this year. The success of the drive was possible because of the generous community support helping to fight hunger. For more information on the food drive results and hunger data in our community, please visit If you’d like to be a collection site for the 2025 drive, please contact Sarah Mansell at