United Way of Story County (UWSC) has been impacting the quality of life in Story County for more than six decades. UWSC, along with strong community partners and dedicated donors, helps children prepare for adulthood, keeps seniors in healthy environments and offers a helping hand to hard-working families.
UWSC is a strategic leader in building county-wide partnerships. We lead the fight for the healtheducation, and financial stability of every person in our community in an effort to provide real, long-lasting change.

What does it mean for Story County?

Partner agencies receive important funding for program support through the ASSET process. Beyond that, UWSC responds to the ever-changing landscape of needs through grant funding, leading conversations in high need areas, and building collaborations to identify and address community-wide problems. This includes bringing new solutions and pilot projects to our communities.
By improving the healtheducation, and financial stability of Story County, UWSC is creating a stronger community for everyone to enjoy a good quality of life. No one person or organization can do it alone. In the spirit of collective action, we invite you to join UWSC in our community building efforts to LIVE UNITED. 
Investment pie chart