Knowing where to start is often one of the most difficult parts of money management. Women United’s multiple-part workshop series provides basic information on money management practices that are the building blocks to achieving short-term and long-term financial goals. Specific workshop topics include identifying spending habits, creating a savings plan and strategies for sticking to it, banking basics, savings, and wise use of credit and loans.

Specifics of the series:

  • There are no fees to attend the workshop series
  • Open to women of any age who live in Story County, who want to learn new ways to manage their finances
  • Weekly classes each session focus on setting financial goals, creating a spending plan, banking, and using credit wisely. (Sessions are offered multiple times/year.)
  • Meals, child care and transportation assistance are offered to remove barriers to attendance
  • Mentoring component is available for those who wish to work one-on-one with a trained mentor
  • Booster sessions are offered throughout the year focusing on topics related to financial management skills. Past booster sessions have included: job skills, stress management, low/no cost family activities and healthy meals on a budget. Once you have successfully completed a series, you will be placed on the invitation list for these sessions.
  • Scholarships are also available to assist with expenses related to furthering education

Workshop registration is open to women living in Story County who want to learn new strategies for managing their personal finances. Referrals from all UWSC partner agencies and other sources are eligible. To register for the upcoming workshop series, please complete the form below. Email or call (515) 268-5142 with questions.

Our workshops couldn't run effectively without our volunteers! If you're interested in volunteering to provide childcare, please visit our volunteer page to let us know!

Findings from participants in our workshop series:

Money Management Series infographic



  • Mondays: 12-2:30pm at Ames Public Library March 24, 31, April 7, 14

Reach out to for the most updated class calendar. 



  • More to be announced soon!



To register in Spanish click here: Registrarse en español


Contact Information
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