United Way of Story County (UWSC) showed its appreciation to the Central Iowa Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers by hosting a soup luncheon on April 9. Jean Kresse, president and CEO of UWSC, Pete Englin, chair of the UWSC Board of Directors, and Jonathan Wickert, 2015 UWSC campaign chair, expressed gratitude to the volunteers.
“United Way of Story County counts on RSVP volunteers to cover the front desk, complete mailing projects and verify data,” said Kresse. “We’re then able to focus staff efforts on other projects and accomplish so much more than we could alone.”
Englin reported 28 volunteers gave a total of 667 hours of time to UWSC for the 2014 LIVE UNITED campaign. The monetary value of the volunteer efforts totaled nearly $14,000, which can instead be applied to helping the community.
“Volunteers make Story County great,” Englin said.
RSVP staff Kalen Petersen and Arti Sanghi also attended and thanked the volunteers. Wickert also expressed his appreciation for all the volunteers have done and what they will do for the campaign this year.
Photo, front row: Carol Wright, Jean Schlapia, Rosemary Britson, Virginia Ullrick
Back row: Rose Marie Nelson, Jeanine Cole, Edith Anderson, Jan Breitman