Campaign Progress

Thank you to each division for your contribution to the 2021 LIVE UNITED Campaign. What a generous community we live and work in! In order to live better, we must LIVE UNITED.


Division Amount Contributed Number of Donors
Ballard $29,558.00 70
Collins Maxwell $125.00 2
Colo Nesco $50.00 1
Commercial $109,796.06 181
ISU Research Park  $10,824.12 26
Iowa State University $404,462.90 572
Major Firms $522,332.55 759
Medical $186,825.53 229
Nevada $135,894.74 507
Professional $67,089.07 101
Public Service $40,740.30 150
Retired $353,551.73 514
Roland Story City $64,739.64 145
Other $129,699.28 91
Totals $2,055,688.92 3348



For every $1 you donate to United Way of Story County, you actually receive a $2.12 return on your investment.